Vision will return in a new Marvel series in 2026

Paul Bettany will star in a series written by the producer of Star Trek: Picard

Image Credit: Marvel Studios

Vision is coming back. Vision played by actor Paul Bettany in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will have his space on the screen again. Introduced for the first time in Avengers: Age of Ultron in 2019, when it was created by Ultron thanks to the mind gem that he kept embedded on his forehead, it also appears in Captain American: Civil War and then in Avengers: Infinity War, where it is sacrificed by Thanos to obtain his gem. He then returns to WandaVision, where he is the protagonist together with Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), brought back to life and even "doubled" by the powers of his beloved. At the end of the series the copy of Vision, white in color (Ghost Vision), walks away peacefully but it is precisely on his fate after this epilogue that the new production will probably focus.

Ever since the success of WandaVision itself, there had been talk of a possible spin-off dedicated to the character of Bettany (hypothesized title: Vision Quest), which the original creator Jac Schaeffer should have dealt with, whose energies, however, were then concentrated on another spin-off from the same series, Agatha All Along with Kathryn Hahn, which will debut next September. After a long period of missed updates (and great ups and downs for the Marvel world), the news finally arrives: Disney has appointed Terry Matalas, most recently known for being the executive producer of Star Trek: Picard, to take care of this new title. Matalas received a nomination at the latest Writers Guild Awards 2023 for his work on Picard, and in particular for the decision to bring back the key characters of Star Trek: Next Generation. Now it will be his turn to have the ambitious task of reconnecting the threads of this part of the superhero universe.

In fact, this is the first new series that Marvel has ordered in the last two years after the entire film and serial strategy was overturned several times to deal with the recent flops and the so-called superhero fatigue. Just in the last few days, the return of the Marvel Television brand was announced (instead of the more global Marvel Studios), signifying an independence of serial stories and a more traditional approach to productions with more relaxed times and showrunners completely dedicated to these projects. In addition to the aforementioned Agatha All Along, titles such as Eyes of Wakanda, Marvel Zombies, and Daredevil: Born Again are also planned in the future, while the new series on Vision should debut in 2026 on Disney+.